Clifton House Inc, (dba Beacon Haven since 2008) has been operating facility-based Christian Science nursing services throughout the Midwest for more than 100 years.  Incorporated in 1924, Beacon Haven operates a Medicare-certified facility.  Patient fee revenue pays for the cost of care received and generous annual gift support pays for the cost of keeping the services open and ready all day, every day for whenever a need may arise.

Fundraising Results


annual giving & grants


capital construction campaign


major gifts

Ongoing fundraising needs at Beacon Haven include (1) annual gifts that support on-going nursing operations and keep care accessible with affordable rates, and (2) grants and special gifts used to maintain the facility as well as upgrade technology and nursing equipment.  A capital endowment campaign is underway to raise legacy gifts for a $5M endowment that supports training and sustainable living wages for nurses.  An $8M capital building campaign was completed in 2008 to construct a new, modern facility replacing an outdated, 40-year-old building in need of extensive repairs.

"You have our 'evermore' gratitude for your help making Beacon Haven possible. You are the engine to our train! You got us started; kept us on track; kept us going until we finished the journey."
Sharon Hansen
President, Board of Trustees, Beacon Haven

Comprehensive fundraising support.

Our fundraising services for Beacon Haven include both annual and capital campaign management, grant writing, and major gifts. Additional services provided in support of these fundraising roles include board development, strategic planning, digital communications, as well as financial management including accounting, financial reporting, budget development, audit support, and federal and state compliance reporting.

Capital Campaign Management

Successful completion of a $3.5M capital construction campaign to relocate and build a modern facility at a new campus on the shore of Pike Lake. An ongoing $5M capital endowment campaign has achieved 52% of goal to date with gifts ranging from $1,000 to $950,000.

From 2005 until the opening of the new facility in 2008, we also served as interim CFO managing financial affairs for both the capital construction project and the ongoing nursing services.

Financial Management

how it started

Minneapolis Foundation Referral

Referred to the board of trustees by the Minneapolis Foundation in 2003, JPR Consulting Group continues to plan and lead all fundraising activities at Beacon Haven, raising to date more than $11 million to support annual operations and two capital campaigns: $3.5M capital building campaign for the current nursing facility and a $5M capital endowment campaign that has raised $2.6M in its first year.

Annual Giving and Grant Writing

$8.057M raised from individuals, local churches, and national foundation grants. Annual giving strategies developed for new donor acquisition, lapsed donor renewals, and current donor cultivation for major and planned gift commitments to support a 100+ year tradition of compassionate care for neighbors in need. Implement a new CRM solution to manage donor records and relationships. Replaced a long-standing practice of ‘desperation’ fundraising with an annual giving plan delivering thoughtful, intentional annual appeals focused on impact. Introduced online giving and digital donor cultivation.

Capital Campaign Management

Successful completion of a $3.5M capital construction campaign to relocate and build a modern facility at a new campus on the shore of Pike Lake. An ongoing $5M capital endowment campaign has achieved 52% of goal to date with gifts ranging from $1,000 to $950,000.

Major Gifts Development

Multiple six-figure leadership gifts committed to support on-going operations, fund new program initiatives, and achieve multi-generational capital construction and endowment goals.

Financial Management

Served as interim chief financial officer for 3+ years.  Managed $5.205 in patient fee revenue, including private pay, Medicare billing, and insurance reimbursements. Provide interim executive leadership and financial management for annual budget development, audit preparation and state and federal compliance reporting. Develop project budgets for program expansion, capital expansion and equipment replacement. Prepare forecasting and budget models for staffing needs and patient fee rate adjustments. Developed an innovative model to recruit and train new nurses to serve ‘local needs.’

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